Oct 26, 2023

Real Estate and Title Deed in Türkiye

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What is a Title Deed in Türkiye?

In this article, we will learn about the meaning and types of title deeds in Türkiye, the difference between the red title deed and the blue title deed, what are the title deed fees in Türkiye, and the way to obtain a Turkish title deed.

The title deed in Türkiye is the document that regulates the property and the only official document that proves ownership of the property when buying it; as it contains information about the property, its location, and its type. This document is organized by the Land Registry Directorate of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change.

Title Deed Procedures in Türkiye

The title deed in Türkiye is only delivered to the property's legal owner and for people with claims other than the claim to own, such as the tenant or the mortgagee; however, they do not get the title deed. When two people own one property, one title deed is granted in which the share of each of them in the property is detailed.

Likewise, when a person is mentioned in the title deed without mentioning the percentage of his/her ownership of the property, this means that the entire property is owned by the person whose name is mentioned only. When a specific percentage of ownership is mentioned in the title deed, this shows a partner in the property; as the percentage mentioned in the deed belongs to the name mentioned in front of the share. 

Types of Title Deeds in Türkiye

There are two types of title deeds in Türkiye:

First - Agricultural/Blue Title Deed

This title deed specializes in real estate related to agriculture; as any agricultural property has the right for its owner to carry out agricultural activities such as farming, raising poultry, taking care of livestock, etc.

As for agricultural real estate, it includes real estate that is suitable for construction and other that is not suitable. The municipality's reconstruction plan is what determines the property's construction suitability; as lands may be registered as unfit for construction and then included in recent reconstruction plans to make them valid.

Therefore, the concerned municipalities must be reviewed to ensure that the building is valid or not. This is quite important because building permits cannot be granted at a later time if the land is not suitable for construction in the first place. Of course, the municipality must be reviewed to make sure that this land is not on a public road or allocated to being a garden because these cases impede the use of the land to construct buildings on it in the future.


Second - Residential/Red Title Deed

It is the second type of title deed for housing units within the city’s organizational plan, such as houses, villas, offices, and others. The red title deed has 3 types:

1. Shared or transitional title deed

Which is based on the system of participation between more than one owner of the same property and is also called transitional ownership. This means the right of property ownership for a specific period in the year so that each of the owners has the right to own the property for only a specific period within the mentioned year, the minimum of which is 7 days. This type is common in real estate for vacations and the like; as the owner enjoys all ownership rights from selling his/her share and renting his/her share during such a period while also assigning these rights to other people.

2. Estate easement deed

This title deed is granted by the building contractor and is not considered a full title deed; as it is granted when the project is under construction to guarantee and protect the legal right of the property owner. Through this bond, the owner can prove his/her right; in the beginning, the property is just a piece of land; after planning for the project is completed, the construction phase begins, and the project is divided into apartments.

3. Full title deed

These are bonds that record the estate ownership after the completion of its construction. Each section in this deed is regulated by its own full title deed; proving the owner's ownership of the deed.

Thus, we see that the types of deeds differ between title deeds, easement deeds, unconstructionable agricultural land deeds, and constructionable lands in terms of the information contained therein. These deeds include the number of the apartment or the independent section, its location in the building, and its share of the land on which the building is built.

Therefore, as the Homeland Real Estate Company team, we are ready to provide free real estate consultations to fulfill your desire to own a distinguished property. Do not hesitate to contact us at +905377793006.
