Oct 26, 2023

Blue Title Deed (Tapu) in Türkiye

654 devloper Blue Title Deed (Tapu) in Türkiye

Blue Title Deed (Tapu)

The blue title deed is known as one of the types of title deeds that are relied upon in Türkiye; especially, in the field of real estate investment, which has become very important in the country. This field has attracted enormous attention due to the facilities offered by the government to investors from different countries of the world. These facilities also enable investors to obtain real estate residency as well as Turkish citizenship after they have invested according to the conditions set by Turkish law.

In this article, we will learn about the blue tapu and other types of tapu in Türkiye.

Title Deeds in Türkiye

The title deed in Türkiye, or tapu, is known as the document that organizes a specific property and proves the property's ownership for the person mentioned in the deed. In this deed, information about the property is mentioned in addition to the numbers of the real estate survey and the property's location. This deed is organized by the Land Registry Directorate of the Ministry of Environment in Türkiye, which is called the Land Registry in other countries.

The property's owner, in the title deed, is considered its legal owner and is the only one who is granted a real estate title. As for those who have other rights to the intended property other than the right to own; they are not granted the title deed.

In the event that the property owners are more than one person, then the share of each of them in the property is included in the deed, as only one real estate title is granted. Therefore, the tapu that belongs to the aforementioned person indicates a name in the property deed; as the presence of one name without specifying a percentage next to it in the owner's section means that the owner of the entire property is one person, and he/she is mentioned in the title deed only.


Types of Title Deeds in Türkiye

There are different types of tapu in Türkiye, some of which are known as blue tapu, others are known as red tapu, and so on. Also, each of these types is concerned with a specific section regarding ownership in the country. These types are:

  • Agricultural tapu.
  • Residential tapu.
  • Construction tapu.
  • Floor easement tapu.
  • Full title deed.
  • Housing approval.
  • Participation tapu.
  • The joint real estate registry.
  • Commercial real estate registry.

The Blue Title Deed in Türkiye

The blue tapu is related to the agricultural tapu, as it is a title deed for agricultural lands or real estate. Whoever holds the blue tapu for land has the right to carry out any work related to agriculture on it, or any other similar work such as raising livestock or raising poultry, and this is considered within the borders of the owned land.

This type of title deed is marked in blue to differ from the red tapu, which pertains to residential units such as a house, villas, offices, or those lands included in the city's organizational plan.

It is often possible for the agricultural land in the blue tapu to be permitted to build on, and this is after a change occurred in the plan for the area's reconstruction, although the title deed remained in the capacity of agricultural land. This is due to the lack of review regarding the property's type. For this, correct and frequently updated information must be obtained from the municipalities of the property's area.

The Red Title Deep in Türkiye

The title deed in Türkiye is concerned with residential units such as apartments, villas, houses, offices, or any lands that are included in the city's organizational plan. This red deed includes three main sections, namely:

1)    1st section: Information about the property’s location and address, which is represented in the state, city, neighborhood or village, street, scale, type, and area.

2)    2nd section: Allocated to the residential unit or apartment and represented in the land share allocated to the apartment in addition to the floor, the block number, and other information.

3)    3rd section: Contains the area that pertains to the archives in the tapu administration, including seals and signatures, in addition to information related to archiving in the administration, such as the file number, record number, and others.


Therefore, as the Homeland Real Estate Company team, we are ready to provide free real estate consultations to fulfill your desire to own a distinguished property. Do not hesitate to contact us at +905377793006.